May 14, 2013

And On With Life...

That's what we did. It's amazing how everything just settles in and normal life starts. Aaron went to work, kids went to school, I sat and nursed a baby while playing cars on the side with Baxter...just life. 

I attended a Baby Steps meeting at the Down Syndrome Connection, it was nice seeing other babies with Down syndrome and meeting other moms. This was a support meeting so we all just talked. I got to hear about their experiences, their "story" as it were. So interesting how everyone is different. I remember sharing the conversation I had with my brother with them and how they were all touched by that. I shared about a thought I had while at Safeway one afternoon. I don’t have specifics in mind of what I want my children to grow up and be, but I know I want them to be “successful.” It’s no secret that adults with Down Syndrome don’t typically grow up to be doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, or any of the careers we typically see as being successful. This realization hit me for the first time when I was at Safeway and I saw a gentleman with Down syndrome and he was collecting the carts. I want so much more for my son than for him to be a cart collector at Safeway. I felt bad mentioning this at the meeting, but it seems to be a safe place to do so. I'm not sharing anything they haven't also felt. 

I had been told when leaving the hospital that I needed to get in touch with Regional Center and they would start the ball rolling on services for Matthew. Up until that time I had not had much luck getting in touch with them, but thanks to Martha, the group facilitator, after mentioning it to her, she was able to help get the ball moving. I got a call that afternoon and my appointment arranged for the following week. 

Life just goes on...

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy reading your blog.... I appreciate you sharing! You have such a beautiful family!
